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Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Notes on Cilia and Flagella

Notes on Cilia and Flagella 

This article provides useful notes about Ultrastructure, Variation, Chemical composition, Movement and Origin of Cilia and Flagella!

The surface of certain cells is drawn out to form fine hair-like processes called cilia or flagella according to their length.
Cilia (L., cili, eye lash) and flagella (L., little whip) are situated external to cytoplasm but have their origin from cytoplasm.
Many protozoans, flatworms and plant cells bear these structures. In protozoans, cilia and flagella are the main organelles of locomotion.

Flagella are nearly always associated with locomotion, but cilia, which are of much wider occurrence, perform other functions as well. For example, they are found lining ducts and tubules and other specialized surfaces along which materials are wafted by means of their rapid and rhythmical beatings. Cilia and flagella also create food currents and act as sensory organs.
Cilia and flagella are fundamentally similar but cilia are generally greater in number than the flagella. In Paramecium, a single cell possesses about 17,000 cilia; each one is about 10 µ long. These cilia may be 5 to 10µ in length.
Flagella are one or two in a cell occurring at one end of the cell and upto 150µ in length, while cilia may occur all over the surface of body. In some special regions of Infusoria (Protozoa), several cilia fuse and form large conical appendices, the cirri or membranes known as undulating membrane. Cilia tend to beat or move in a coordinate rhythm, while flagella beat independently. Cilia are of two types —

1. Stereocilia:

These which are immobile cytoplasmic extensions, e.g., cilia of epididymis, and macula and crista of internal ear. Stereocilia do not contain microtubules. They possess about 3000 actin filaments disposed longitudinally.

2. Kinocilia:

These are the motile cilia.
The essential components of the ciliary apparatus are —
(1) Cilium, which is the slender cylindrical process that projects from the surface of the cell, and
(2) The basal body from which the cilium originates.
In some cells there is a third component consisting of fine fibrils or ciliary rootlets, which arise from the basal body and converge into a conical bundle that ends near the nucleus.

Ultrastructure of cilia and flagella:

The structure of cilia and flagella is essentially the same. These were observed and studied by Jensen in 1887 in sperms. Later, in 1950, Hodge made detailed study on the flagella of spermatozoa and Manton on the cilia of higher plants. Both have the same structures, viz. —

1. Limiting membrane:

Entire axial complex, which is composed of longitudinally running fibrils, is enclosed by a double membrane envelope which is continuous with the plasma membrane of cell. Both the membranes are separated by a space of 90A. Inner membrane is about 40A thick. The space in between the limiting membranes of cilium is filled with a watery substance called the matrix. In the matrix is found embedded the axial fibril complex.

2. Axial fibril complex (Axoneme):

Axoneme is the axial microtubular structure of cilia and flagella. This is thought to be the essential motile element. The axoneme of a cilium or flagellum may range from a few microns to 1 or 2 millimeters in length, but its outside diameter is about 0. 21 µm. It is generally surrounded by an outer limiting membrane.
Axoneme of these organelles basically consist of 11 longitudinal fibrils (microtubules), two of which are centrally located and nine peripherally, being embedded in matrix of medium adielectronicity (Irene Manton, 1952).
Manton indicated that each outer fibril is composed of two subfibrils enclosed in a common sheath and two central fibrils are not enclosed in a common sheath. These component fibrils run longitudinally within the shaft. Some fibrils may reach the cytoplasm below cell surface.
Each of the nine outer fibrils is composed of two subfibrils of 180 to 250 A in diameter, 350 to 370 A long and is skewed slightly in toward the middle of organelle. But both the subfibrils have a common wall of 45 to 60 A thicknesses. Two central fibrils do not share a common wall. Each of these central fibrils is about 240 A in diameters with a wall thickness of about 45 A Nine peripheral fibrils are doublets having a long axis of 300-500 A.
Each doublet is separated from each other by 500 A width and made up of two fused sub-fibrils namely A and B. Sub-fibril A is slightly larger than subfibril B. Subfibril A gives out two thick outgrowths or ‘dynein arms’ from one side which are oriented in the same direction in all microtubules.
Subfibril A lies slightly closer to the central axis. Both subfibrils appear to be tubular, possessing a common wall. The ‘arms’ of subfibril A measure approximately 150 A long and 50 A thick. Microtubule of subfibre A is smaller but complete, where as that of subfibre В is larger and incomplete, since it lacks the wall adjacent to A. A has 13 tubulin subunits, whereas В has only 11 tubulin subunits. The doublets are linked byjnterdoublet or nexin links.
Two central fibres (or fibrils) have no paired subfibrils like the peripheral ones. Each central fibril contains only one tubule and both the central fibrils are separated from each other by a space of 350 A, and are not enclosed in a common sheath.
Recent studies on flagellates and Pseudo trichonympha have cast more light on its structure. In distal part of flagellum additional fibrils may develop between outer fibrils and central fibrils.

These secondary fibrils are smaller in size and are nine in number, each with a diameter of about 50 A (Gibbons and Grimstone, 1960). Besides these, some additional structures have been revealed- by electron microscopy. They include a curved adielectronic line from one central fibril to the other, and nine radially oriented links or spokes joining peripheral subfibril A to sheath of the central fibrils.
Sometimes, the spokes are replaced by a ring of 9 small solid fibres, which are considered by some researchers as secondary fibres. In ctenophoran swimming plate, 3rd and 8th peripheral fibrils are connected by chambered lamellae.
The high resolution electron microscopy has shown that each of the nine peripheral fibrils and two central fibrils contain 10 to 12 filaments of 40 A thickness, and each filament is beaded.

Variations in structure of cilia:

In Tetrahymena cilia, there are 9 peripheral fibrils bound together as circlets but lacking the two central fibrils and the asymmetric arms of subfibril A (Gibbons, 1963, 1967). Afzelius (1963 a) and others have occasionally found cilia or flagella which depart from 9+2 pattern.
The observed aberations include: (i) forms in which two central fibrils are missing; (ii) forms in which more than two central fibrils are present; (iii) forms in which peripheral fibrils are missing, and (iv) forms in which supernumerary peripheral fibrils are present. Non motile cilia usually lack the two central fibrils.

At the distal free end, the peripheral fibrils taper out. The two central fibrils often extend beyond the tip of the cilium proper.

Chemical composition of cilia and flagella:

The cilia and flagella, both are composed of 70 to 84% proteins, 13 to 23% lipids, 1 to 6% carbohydrates and 0.2 to 0.4% adenine and uracil nucleotides. The central fibrils and the arms of the subfibril A of the peripheral fibril contain the protein dynein having an enzyme ATPase. The peripheral fibrils possess a protein which closely resembles the protein of muscle cells, the actin.

Movements of cilia and flagella:

In cilia two types of movements (rhythms) occur —
(1) Metachronic rhythm, in which cilia of one row beat one after the other.
(2) Isochmnic or synchronous rhythm, in which cilia of a row beat simultaneously.
Unlike cilia, flagella show undulant movement, in which the waves of contraction spread from place of attachment towards the border. The flagella beat independently.
For the movement of cilia and flagella, the cytoplasm is essential and the amount of energy required for the movement is provided by ATP. The mechanism of ciliary motion is localized in the fibrils of the ciliary shaft itself, and the immediate source of energy is almost certainly ATP.

Origin of cilia and flagella:

Cilia and flagella arise from centrioles. It is possible that basal bodies carry out the synthesis of ciliary proteins, and that such synthesis depends on centriolar RNA and DNA components. The new basal bodies arise by condensation from vacuoles inside specialized mitochondria (Ehret and De Haller, 1963). Centriole may regulate synthesis and aggregation of protein monomers required for the formation of these tubular structures.

Microtubules: Assembly, Function and Centrioles

Microtubules: Assembly, Function and Centrioles

Microtubules have many features that distinguish them from microfilaments and intermediate fila­ments.
To begin with, the outside diameter of a micro­tubule (usually about 25 nm) is much greater than that of microfilaments. Furthermore, microtubules are hol­low, containing a central lumen about 15 nm in diame­ter.
Microtubule length is quite variable. Some micro­tubules are less than 200 nm long, but in the long processes of nerve cells their lengths may be as great as 25 μm (i.e., 25,000 nm). Microtubules can also be distinguished from microfilaments chemically. Micro­tubules contain two major proteins called α tubulin and β tubulin.

Each protein consists of a single poly­peptide chain about 500 amino acids long (MW 55,000) and both are similar in primary structure, indicating that they are probably derived from a common ancestral protein. Not only are the α and β tubulins nearly identical but tubulins from diverse species of cells are very similar, suggesting either that they have hardly changed since they first appeared in eukaryotic organisms or that tubulin is a highly conserved pro­tein.
α and β tubulin molecules combine to form heterodimers and these serve as the basic building blocks of microtubules. The model of heterodimer organization shown in Figure 23-14 is based on both chemical stud­ies of microtubules and transmission electron micros­copy. The microtubule is formed from a helical array of heterodimers with 13 subunits per turn of the helix. Neighboring heterodimers are linked to one another not only longitudinally but laterally as well.

Assembly and Functions of Microtubules:
The current model for the manner in which tubulin subunits are assembled into a microtubule is based on in vitro studies. Under carefully controlled conditions (e.g., the appropriate concentration of tubulin and the absence of calcium), alpha and beta subunits sponta­neously form dimers that when present in high con­centrations assemble into chains (Fig. 23-15); the chains then form a variety of intermediate structures including single and double rings, spirals, and stacked rings.
The rings eventually open up to form linear chains or proto-filaments that associate side-by-side to form sheets. When a sheet is sufficiently wide, it is curled to form a tube. The end result is the formation of short cylinders of dimers (Fig. 23-14). After a short cylinder is formed, continued growth occurs by the di­rect addition of more dimers. Growth occurs primarily by addition of dimers at one end of the tubule. It is be­lieved that during certain micro-tubular functions (such as the operation of the anaphase spindle) the ad­dition of dimers to one end of a microtubule is accom­panied by the loss of dimers from the other end.

Assembly of tubulin into dimers requires that these polypeptides bind GTP. GTP-activated dimers can then combine with other dimers or with the growing microtubule. Attachment of a dimer to the microtu­bule is accompanied by the hydrolysis of the GTP, but the resulting GDP and phosphate remain bound to the tubule. The tubulin dimer also has sites that can bind the drugs colchicine, vincristine, and vinblastine (Fig. 23-16) and these substances inhibit microtubule as­sembly.

Tubules that are already present at the time of addition of these inhibitors disassemble. Calcium has long been recognized as an important ion in the microtubule assembly and disassembly process. Cal­cium may influence microtubules either directly or in association with the regulatory protein calmodulin. Recently, a number of proteins have been identified that associate with the surface of microtubules (Fig. 23-17); these proteins are called microtubule- associated proteins, or MAPs. Two families of MAPs have been separated by polyacrylamide gel electro­phoresis: MAP-1 and MAP-2.

The MAPs facilitate mi­crotubule assembly; that is, microtubules are formed considerably faster and at lower tubulin concentra­tions in the presence of MAPs. MAPs also protect mi­crotubules from disassembly by colchicine and low temperatures. Interactions among microtubules and between microtubules and other cell components also involve MAPs. For example, microtubules may be in­terconnected via the micro-trabecular lattice; in these regions the lattice is rich in both MAP-1 and MAP-2. MAP-2 appears to be involved in cross-linking microfi­laments and intermediate filaments with microtu­bules.
Although the extensive interactions between micro­tubules, cytoplasmic filaments, and the micro-trabecu­lar lattice give support and shape to cells, microtubules play more than a supportive role for they are also intimately involved with cell motility, endocytosis and exocytosis, chromo­some movements during mitosis, and the actions of cilia and flagella.
Centrioles and basal bodies belong to a group of cell structures referred to as microtubule-organizing centers. These centers are involved in the elaboration of microtubules. Whereas the basal bodies are located at the bases of cilia and flagella, centrioles are usually found near the cell nucleus and occur in pairs; struc­turally, both organelles are identical.
The typical centriole is composed of nine sets of triplets, each triplet consisting of one complete microtubule and two in­complete, C-shaped ones. The triplets are arranged parallel to one another and create a cylindrical body having a diameter of 150 to 250 nm. Although rigor­ous proof is still lacking, it is generally believed that centrioles are involved in the production of the micro­tubules that form the spindle of a dividing cell. How­ever, not all cells that form a spindle during nuclear di­vision have centrioles; for example, cone-bearing and flowering plants do not.
In cells that do have paired centrioles, the centrioles separate at the onset of nu­clear division and move to diametrically opposite posi­tions around the nucleus. Subsequently, as the chro­matin condenses to form chromosomes and the nuclear envelope disappears, fibers of the spindle make their appearance, extending from an area adjacent to one centriole through the cell to the other centriole (Fig. 23-18). As division proceeds, a new centriole appears near each original one; growth of the new centriole is always perpendicular to the long axis of the original centriole. By the time division is complete, each daughter cell has two complete cen­trioles.

Centrioles also play a role in the formation of the microtubules present, in flagella and cilia. Here the centrioles are more often referred to as basal bodies or kinetosomes (also blepharoplasts, basal granules, or basal corpuscles).
Structure of the Centriole:
Though not all cells contain centrioles, in those that do the structure of the centri­ole is the same. Most algal cells (but not red algae), moss cells, some fern cells, and most animal cells have centrioles, but cone-bearing and flowering plants, red algae, and some nonflagellated or nonciliated protozo­ans (like amoebae) do not. Some species of amoebae have a flagellated stage as well as an amoeboid stage; a centriole develops during the flagellated stage but disappears during the amoeboid stage.
The most notable structural characteristic of a cen­triole is its nine sets of triplets. Each triplet contains three microtubules, which in cross section appear to be arranged like the vanes on a “pinwheel” (Fig. 23- 19). Although there is no surrounding membrane, the nine triplets appear to be embedded in an electron- dense material.

The nine triplets are identical. The innermost (or a) microtubule of each triplet is a complete, round micro­tubule, but the middle (b) and outer (c) microtubules are incomplete, C-shaped, and share the wall of the neighboring microtubule. Also, the outermost (i.e., c) microtubules may not run the full length of the centri­ole. The triplets, although generally parallel to each other, may be closer together at the proximal end of the centriole (that end when observed “end-on” that has the triplets tilted inward in a clockwise direction, as shown in Fig. 23-19).
The triplets may also spiral somewhat about the central axis of the centriole. Strands of material extend inward from each a tubule and join together at the central hub. These strands, when seen in cross section, give the centriole the ap­pearance of a cartwheel (Fig. 23-19b).
The idea prevalent years ago that new centrioles arise by the division of existing centrioles is no longer accepted. Rather it appears that new centrioles are ei­ther produced de novo or are synthesized using an ex­isting centriole as some form of template. In the latter case, growth of the new centriole occurs at right an­gles to the long axis of the existing centriole, the two organelles separated from each other by a distance of 50 to 100 nm.
Basal body (i.e., centriole) development has been studied in the ciliates Paramecium and Tetrahymena and in tracheal epithelium of Xenopus and chicks. The stages of development are virtually the same in all of these. Development of the basal body begins with the formation of a single microtubule in an amorphous mass.
Microtubules are added one at time until there is an equally spaced ring of nine (Fig. 23-20). As the microtubules appear the amorphous mass is lost, as though it were being consumed in the production of the microtubules. There is some evidence that “con­nectives” exist between the microtubules, which could act to set the distance between them.
Each of the nine microtubules in the ring is microtubules. The b mi­crotubules develop next and, finally, the c microtu­bules. Before the microtubules reach the doublet stage, the cylinder is rarely longer than 70 nm, but af­ter this stage, the microtubules elongate. At the same time, the hub and “cartwheel” are added in the center (Fig. 23-20b). The a-c links are not formed until the end of development.

Basal bodies act as organizing centers for the devel­opment of the microtubules of cilia and flagella. New basal bodies form adjacent to centrioles. While still not associated with a flagellum or cilium, the basal body is more properly called a centriole, but after it migrates to a position just underneath the plasma membrane and acts as a center for flagellum or cilium development, it is called a basal body. The synthetic functions of centrioles and basal bodies are not clear. It has been suggested that these bodies may contain DNA and carry out transcription, but so far only RNA has been reported to be present.
Cilia and Flagella:
Cilia and flagella are organelles that project from the surface of certain cells and beat back and forth or cre­ate a corkscrew action (Fig. 23-21). In many in­stances, ciliary or flagellar movements propel cells through their environment. In other cases, the cell re­mains stationary and the surrounding medium is moved past the cell by the beating of its cilia (as in the layer of epithelial cells that lines the trachea or the collar cells lining the internal chambers of sponges).

Cilia are generally shorter than flagella (i.e., 5-10 μm versus 150 μm or longer) and are present in far larger numbers per cell. Flagella usually occur alone or in small groups; occasionally they are present in large numbers, as in a few protozoa and the sperm cells of more advanced plants. The distinction be­tween cilia and flagella is somewhat arbitrary, because other than differences in their lengths, the structure and action of cilia and flagella of eukaryotic cells are identical. (Bacterial flagella differ in structure and action; see below.)

A eukaryotic cilium or flagellurn is composed of three major parts: a central axoneme or shaft, the surrounding plasma membrane, and the interposed cytoplasmic matrix (Fig. 23-22). The axonemal ele­ments of nearly all cilia and flagella (as well as the tails of sperm cells) contain the same “9 + 2” arrange­ment of microtubules. In the center of the axoneme are two singlet microtubules that run the length of the cilium (Fig. 23-23). Projections from the central microtubules occurring periodically along their length form what appears to be an enclosing sheath. Each of the central microtubules is composed of 13 proto-fila­ments.

Nine doublet microtubules surround the central sheath. One microtubule of each doublet (i.e., the A subfiber) is composed of 13 proto-filaments. The ad­joining B sub-fiber is “incomplete,” consisting of 11 proto-filaments (Fig. 23-23). Radial spokes having a periodicity of 24, 32, and 40 nm extend from each Asubfiber inward to the central sheath (i.e., they occur at repeating 24-, 32-, and 40-nm intervals along the axoneme’s length). Adjacent doublets are joined by nexin or inter-doublet links; the nexin links have a pe­riodicity of 86 nm.
Extending from each A subfiber are two dynein arms—an “outer” arm and an “inner” arm (see Fig. 23-23). Thin projections from the ends of the dynein arms touch the B sub-fibers of the neigh­boring doublets. The outer dynein arms occur with a periodicity of 24 nm, whereas the inner arms have a periodicity of 24, 32, and 40 nm (the same as the radial spokes).
The cross section of the cilium depicted in Figure 23-23 is at a level that includes radial spokes, nexin links, and both dynein arms. Each beat of a cilium or flagellum involves the same pattern of microtubule movement. The beat may be di­vided into two phases, the power or effective stroke and the recovery stroke (Fig. 23-24). The power stroke occurs in a single plane, but recovery may not occur in the same plane as the power stroke.

The sliding microtubule model of ciliary movement is accepted by most investigators. In this model, the doublet microtubules retain a constant length and slide past one another in such a manner as to produce localized bending of the cilium. This activity is pow­ered by ATP hydrolysis and the outer and inner dy­nein arms have been shown to contain most of the cili­um’s ATPase activity.
The localized bending takes the form of a wave that begins at one end of the organelle and proceeds toward the other (usually, but not al­ways, from base to tip). The localized bending is pro­duced through the cyclic formation and breakage of links between the dynein arms of one doublet and the neighboring doublet.
The protein filaments that make up each doublet are rows of tubulin molecules that ap­parently contain the sites to which the dynein binds. The fact that the sliding of microtubules past one an­other results in bending of the cilium may be ex­plained by the behavior of the radial spokes that con­nect the outer nine doublets to the central sheath.

In straight regions of the axoneme, the radial spokes are aligned perpendicular to the doublets from which they arise, whereas in the bent regions they are tilted and stretched (Fig. 23-25). Firm attachment of the radial spokes at both ends provides the resistance necessary to translate the sliding of the doublets into a bending action. Indeed, if the radial spokes and nexin links of sperm tails are destroyed by exposure to trypsin, ad­dition of ATP results in the axonemes becoming longer and thinner, for microtubule sliding is no longer resisted. In effect, sliding is uncoupled from bending by elimination of the connections between the doublets and the central sheath.
Analogies are evident between the dynein-tubulin system of cilia and flagella and the actin-myosin sys­tem of muscle. However, whereas muscle fibers can only shorten and relax, cilia are capable of a much larger variety of movements. Ciliary and flagellar ac­tivity can be in a single plane, in three-dimensional or helical strokes, and can move the cell forward or back­ward using waves that are propagated from base to tip or from tip to base.
At the chemical level, whereas Ca2+ appears to activate the actin-myosin system, these ions have the opposite effect on the dyneintubulin system. The regulation of the Ca2 + level in a cilium or flagellurn probably involves the plasma mem­brane surrounding the axoneme. Under normal cir­cumstances (i.e., during periods of continuous beat­ing), the internal Ca2+ level is low (about 0.1μm) whereas Mg2 + (necessary to stimulate the ATPase of the membrane) remains in the millimole range.
When the membrane is depolarized, the Ca2 + level inside the cilium increases and beating ceases. ATP is clearly the source of energy for movement and is produced by cel­lular respiration. In many cells, mitochondria are lo­cated adjacent to the basal body of the cilium or flagel­lurn, and ATP diffuses toward the tip of the organelle. In sperm, a large mitochondrion is an integral part of the tail (Fig. 23-26) and is wrapped in a spiral about the middle piece of the axoneme.

Bacterial Flagella:
Flagella of bacteria are different from cilia and flagella of eukaryotic cells. The bacte­rial flagellum is not covered by the plasma membrane rather it consists of a naked spiral filament about 13.5 nm in diameter and 10-15 nm long. The filament is composed of a chain of repeating protein subunits called flagellin. At its basal end, the spiral filament is attached to a “hook,” which in turn is connected to a rod that penetrates the bacterial cell wall and plasma membrane (Fig. 23-27). A number of rings connect the rod with the membrane and wall layers.

Bacterial flagella work by rotation of the rod and hook, which causes the filament to spin. When the fil­ament spins in a counterclockwise direction, the cell is propelled smoothly and in a straight line, but when the spin is clockwise, a chaotic tumbling motion of the cell is observed.
A period of counterclockwise rotation is followed by a burst of clockwise rotation, so that the bacterium is continuously set off along new linear paths. The source of energy for the rotation (believed to be generated at the cell membrane) is an electro­chemical gradient established by an electron trans­port system that acts across the plasma membrane.
The Mitotic Spindle:
Most studies of chromosome movement during mitosis have focused on the role played by the microtubules that make up the mitotic spindle fibers.
The spindle fi­bers cause three distinct chromosome movements dur­ing mitosis:
(1) orientation of sister chro­matids,
(2) alignment of the centromeres on the metaphase plate, and
(3) separation of centromeres and movement of sister chromatids (segregation) to opposite poles of the spindle.
The microtubules that occur in the spindle include:
(1) The centromere micro­tubules, which terminate in a centromere;
(2) The po­lar microtubules, which terminate at the poles; and
(3) The free microtubules, which do not terminate in either a pole or a centromere.
All three types can be dissociated into tubulin subunits by colchicine or cold temperatures. Over the years, several models have been proposed to account for the movements of the chromosomes during anaphase. For example, it has been suggested that the chromosomes are “pushed apart by spindle fi­bers developing between centromeres that they are pulled apart by spindle fibers extending between the centromeres and the poles of the spindle, and that chromosomes migrate along spindle fibers.
Al­though individual spindle fibers do not stretch or con­tract per se, they do change in length through either addition or removal of subunits. S. Inoue has shown that free microtubules alternately grow and decrease in length. His in vitro studies indicate that the micro­tubules assemble at one end and disassemble at the other.
Other Cell Movements:
Regardless of whether the movements are “internal” (such as cyclosis in plant cells) or result in a major change in shape or position of the cell, the present evidence indicates that microfilaments and/or microtubules are funda­mental to these activities. In most cases, an interac­tion between proteins—such as in the actin-myosin or dynein-tubulin systems—with the simultaneous in­volvement of an ATPase is the underlying biochemical phenomenon.

Monday, 12 March 2018

Hemal System in Star Fish

Hemal System in Star Fish

Meaning of Hemal System:

Asteroids, like other echinoderms, depend primarily on coelomic circulation for internal transport of gases and nutrients. In echinoderms, the blood vascular system is called hemal system, which is poorly developed in starfish and plays little role in circulation.
The system consists of small fluid-filled sinus-channels that lack a distinct lining. The haemal channels are actually intercommunicating spaces and are not true blood vessels. The channels are surrounded by special separate extensions of the coelom called perihaemal spaces or perihaemal system.
The haemal system includes the following parts:
i. Oral Haemal Ring:
It proceeds in the septum of the hypo-neural sinus. It gives off radial haemal sinuses into the arms. Each arm has one radial haemal sinus which is situated in the septum of the hypo-neural radial haemal sinus and gives off branches to the tube feet.
ii. Aboral Haemal Ring:
It lies on the aboral side and gives haemal branches to the gonads (Fig. 2.72).

iii. Haemal Plexus:
The oral and aboral haemal rings communicate with each other by an ascending haemal plexus in the axial gland.
iv. Axial Gland:
The gland is variously called as ovoid gland, brown gland, septal gland or dorsal organ. It is a dark elongated mass of spongy tissue that extends along the length of the stone canal. Its lumen or the haemal plexus communicates with a small closed contractile sac called dorsal sac or ter­minal sac or madreporic vesicle located in the mardreporite.
This vesicle is situated very close to the ampulla of the stone canal but has no connection with it (Fig. 2.72). The haemal plexus of the axial gland is known as heart of star fish. The function of the axial gland and its relation to other system are not clear. The histological picture reveals its similarity with the haemal system.
At the opening of the axial gland into the aboral haemal ring, two gastric haemal lacu­nae or tufts open into the haemal plexus of the axial gland. According to some workers, there are about twenty pyloric haemal chan­nels which are in communication with the axial gland and haemal plexus through gas­tric haemal tufts.

Haemal System in Relation to Circulating fluid in Star Fish:

The colourless fluid, filling the haemal system is often referred to as blood. The haemal system has direct com­munication with coelomic cavities. To what extent, the chemical composition of the blood of sea-star differs from those of coelomic fluid is debatable, due to lack of relevant chemical data. However, body wall of sea star are freely permeable to sea water and their peri­visceral fluid is similar to sea water in ionic composition.
In Asterias forbesi, the perivisceral fluid contains amino nitrogen, a small amount of reducing sugar and excretory products like ammonia and urea. Among coelomocytes, phagocytes are abundantly present in the coelomic fluid of star fish.

Haemal System in Relation to Circulation in Star Fish:

The heart beats rhythmi­cally, about 6 beats per minute in A. forbesi, but the pattern of circulation is not properly known. Contractility of the gastric haemal tufts and aboral haemal ring has also been observed by some workers. There are also evidences that the hemal system is the pathway for the distribution of food mate­rials to different parts of the body, carried by the coelomocytes.
So it is reasonable to con­clude that various pulsatile and contractile parts of the haemal system may be signi­ficant in this connection that these may serve not as components of an ‘efficient blood vascular system’, but as mechanisms bringing about the mixing of fluids and pro­moting the exchange of materials between them.

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Notes on Cilia and Flagella

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